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Routine, and it's Importance in Writing

You've likely heard the phrase "Location, location, location." When you're writing a book the phrase is "Routine, routine, routine."

market of clay pots

Writing a book in and of itself is hard, but writing a book, raising a family, keeping up with chores and errands, homeschooling, leading a weightloss journey and all of life's little ups and downs can feel right about impossible and you might even put your writing on the back burner. Don't worry there is a solution to master the challenges of the day and still have time to write.

Write Your Routine Down

"Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration." - Ralph Keyes

Routines are best, I've found, written down, this way I have something to reference if I'm ever having a day where I draw a blank on what I'm supposed to be doing next, and let's just be honest, sometimes that's every day of the week (this type of week is usually followed by sounds of meniacle laughter followed by confused screaming). There are all kinds of challenges that pop up on any given day to go along with all the typical tasks we are required to do each day and this can make writing difficult. Now throw on kids, a husband, homeschooling, pets, and working out. It can all get very overwhelming, very quickly. If you come up with a routine, everything is laid out in a simple, easy to follow plan, that doesn't generally change. Your routine is the base line of tasks that should be completed in that day. You've got to allot time to go run errands, spend time with the kiddos, have outside time with the kids, see the hubby off to work, get your morning ritual out of the way, cook, clean, and all the rest and......

So how do you bring your mom brain, scattered thoughts, and internal screaming to a simmer rather than a boil and still find time to work on your book?

Find a Layout For Your Routine That Works F0r You

It has taken me a long time to figure out what kind of layout was right for me when creating a my routine. I've gone through template after template, just trying to write a routine without a template, several google searches, printables, making my own printables, and the list goes on and on. I'm sure some of you have done the same. What I have found out that works for me is using my Samsung Notes app which I use for when I run errands so I can keep track of the places I need to go to and what at those places I need to get. I can make a checklist with check boxes, change the color and size of the fonts for the stores I need to go to, and i can color code the list of items by level of priority if need be.

Here are a couple screenshots so you can see how the app looks. There are a host of colors to choose from there are three font size options, I believe. There are just a ton of options to choose from in order to optimize the app in the best way for you. The closest equivalent for Iphone users would be the Iphone Notes app. It has essentially the same layout and functions as Samsung notes.

I do not use Samsung Notes, however, for my everyday tasks nor my routine. I literally use it specifically for running errands and keeping what we need to purchase over a long period of time in a prioritized list. For my routine, day to day tasks, weekly goals and rewards (that's right rewards), a list of work and personal tasks I use a planner. Here's the link to the Amazon page where I buy my planners:

This planner comes in several colors, it is not dated so you can buy it at any point in the year and start at the very beginning of the book (which I love because I hate buying a planner in July and having half the planner is just empty pages, it drives me nuts). There are monthly calendar pages, monthly review pages where you can evaluate how your month went and see where you should put your focus in the next month to help keep your life balanced better, and so much more. I love this planner and use it daily because there's a page in the front of the book where you can write your routine down. I take my planner everywhere. It just makes life so much more smooth to have the planner for certain things and the Samsung Notes app for other things. Now, if you find another method of organizing your day and writing your routine down and it works for you, go for it! Just remember, "Write it down!"

Set transition alarms

“A writer, like an athlete, must train every day.” -Susan Sontag

Now, when I say "Transition alarms" I don't mean that between 5am and 6am that I have an alarm going off every twenty minutes, that would be crazy. I just watch watch a clock and try to make sure I'm splitting my time evenly between the subtasks that are in the main tasks. For example, say your routine says "Chores 5am-6am". What tasks does "Chores" include? For me it take care of laundry, dishes, floors, feed the cat, etc. I will divide my time as evenly as possible for each task included in the category of chores by watching the clock, then at 6am an alarm goes off and it's time to get the girls up and get breakfast going. This goes on throughout the day until it's time for me to go to bed for the night, which is typically 11pm. I have time alloted for my writing throughout the day which is usually any meal time other than breakfast. These times are perfect for me to get some writing in because the girls are taking a break from classes and everything is calm because everyone is eating, which also happens to make the whole house mercifuly quiet and I can concentrait.

Implement Your Routine

"Creativity is more about training your brain to show up for work, rather than waiting for inspiration to strike." -Unknown

The only thing left to do now is just implement your new routine and get to writing. Eventually the ideas will start to flow more smoothly as you get into the swing of things. I hope you enjoyed and happy writing!


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